Ãëàâíàÿ / Ñòàòüè / Archive issues / Ðàçâèòèå ëè÷íîñòè ¹1 / 2003 / Magazine «Development of the personality»

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Magazine «Development of the personality»



Our magazine «Development of the personality» — mass media, periodic printed edition.

Specialization: a scientific — practical magazine called to open of an urgent problem of psychology of the personality, direction of its development.

The magazine is intended for the professionals of a science and practice, for people who are conceiving about the personality as it is: to the philosophers, psychologists, teachers, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, philologists, historians, sociologists, ethnologists, culturologists theologists, jurisconsults, politologists, politicals, doctors, lawyers and etc.

The materials concerning problems of development and life of the personality are published in a magazine. A primary position of edition of a magazine is the understanding of the personality through dialectic unity of external conditions and internal positions of the men arising in process of ontogenesis.

The text of clauses is accompanied by the basic ideas, born on the left field, and thesaurus, that facilitates to the reader work with materials of a magazine.

The structure and concept of a magazine «Development of the personality» is developed in 1993 by V.S.Mukhina. Originally magazine was founded by Institute of Development of the personality of the Russian Academy of Science and publishing house «Prometheus». For a long time the magazine was issued by forces of psychology of development department of MPSU and edition «National education», and since 2002 also at participation of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov. In 2002 by the new founders of a magazine have acted Moscow Pedagogical State University and V.S.Mukhina. From the beginning of 2003 a magazine «Development of the personality» is included into the List of the periodic scientific and scientific and technical editions which are let out in Russian Federation, in which the publication of the basic results of the dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of sciences is recommended. The magazine leaves 4 times per one year.

The magazine «Development of the personality» is structured on constant sections and basic headings.

Constant sections of a magazine:

«Our presentation»— the materials of the unit focus the reader in the psychological and psychologo-pedagogical programs, projects, editions etc., created and sold in MPSU, and also other organizations close to edition of a magazine on conceptual positions;

«The Theory and the researches» — in section find reflection and the theoretical questions, debatable problems and experimental data about development, education and life of the person in various conditions are discussed;

«Practice» — the materials of research and practical character are published in section which assume an opportunity of the further practical application in activity of the psychologist or teacher;

«Reflection on themselves and others» — in section the autobiographical products, diaries of psychological supervision, psychological prose are published;

«Translations»— are published translations of the foreign scientific literature of last decades, and also classical works, earlier not translated into Russian language concerning various aspects of a problem of the personality and its development;

«Archive»— the earlier unpublished archival materials, and also materials of the editions of XIX and beginning of XX centuries being urgent and understanding in our days the features of development and life of the personality are published;

«The Scientific discussions»— are published materials of discussions, conferences, protection of the doctor’s dissertations on psychology, in which the urgent questions of a humanitarian science are discussed from the various points of view;

«Information»— in section is given the information on planned or past conferences on problems of development and life of the personality,plans of the dissertations protected on specialities «General psychology. Psychology of the personality. A history of psychology», «Psychology of development», and etc.;

«Our anniversaries»— in the given section the edition of a magazine congratulates on anniversaries of the scientists and scientific establishments working in uniform space with our magazine. The basic marks of scientific, organizational and practical activity of a person are represented;

«Our authors» — the brief information on the authors of a magazine including the items of scientific interests of the author and his basic scientific achievement.

The basic headings of a magazine:

«Development of the personality as strategy of a safety of Russia» — clauses of the chiefs of republics, areas and regions of the Russian Federation, state ministries, establishments and departments reflecting strategic questions of creation adequate socialcultural conditions for development of the personality are published;

«Problems of development, education and the lifes of the person» — are published materials based on the following theoretical positions: the person on fenomenology assumes development; the personality and his consciousness separated by a system of the public relations, his development is carried out during education and assignment by the man of bases of material and spiritual culture. At the same time his separation does not exclude formation of own internal positions of the personality leaving for limits of cash public conditions. The given heading is key in a magazine «Development of personality», in it the materials both theoretical and experimental, and practical-guided character are printed;

«The Person in a context of culture»— are published clauses considering the questions of development and life of the personality in space of culture, time, social environment. Some materials of a heading reflect the formation of the personality of the concrete people in determined social conditions, in the ratio with customs, life, traditions of different times and peoples;

«The Social space of the personality»— is given the analysis of interrelation of the personality and social space, the questions connected with influence of social space on development and life of the personality, and also with reflection of social space in self-consciousness of the person are opened; the materials of researches which are carried out in various social conditions are compared;

«The Modern problems of the personality»— are published materials reflecting specificity of development and life of the personality in modern natural, subject, social and symbolical realities. Researches reflecting interrelation of features of development and life of the personality with social space in the varied world also are published;

«The Personality in extreme conditions»— the researches and practical development on problems of psychology of the man in an extreme situation of the trade, rendering of support in extreme situations, and also on problems of life of the personality in various extreme conditions are published;

«Ethnic psychology and ethnic padagogics»— the materials of theoretical and practical researches, and also having applied character on problems of the interethnic attitudes, features of self-consciousness of the representatives various ethnos, psychology of the personality in traditional culture and etc. are printed;

«Experience of creation of conditions of education and development of the personality» — heading is a practical-guided and practical-focused, in it the materials reflecting real experience of organization of process, environment of education and development of the person are printed. The experience realized in various conditions — is described temporary is incorporated, diverse educational establishments and other social institutes and etc.;

«The Continuity of ideas of education and development of the personality» — is given the analysis of experience of the predecessors and archival materials reflecting ideas of education and development of the personality in the archival materials reflecting ideas of education and development of the personality in archival.

«A New sight» — the given heading is intended for the publication new opinions, approaches, decisions for a long time known, but so is final and not solved questions connected to problems of development and life of the personality;

«The Diaries of supervision»— are published diaries of psychological supervision behind development of the personality on different stages of ontogenesis;

«Without the comments: clauses from the encyclopedias» — are given reprints of clauses from the encyclopedias of different years revealing complex categories, connected with psychology and other humanitarian sciences considering development and life of the personality, that in comparison brightly shows social - political and historical conditionality of the approaches to scientific problems.
Also such headings, as a «History of psychology», «Political psychology», «Psychotherapy of the personality», «The curriculum Vitae of childhood» and many others are entered into a magazine.

Edition of a magazine:

The main editor: Iukhina Valeria Sergeevna — valid member of the Russian Academy of Science and RANS, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, manager of psychology of development department in IPSU. The assistants of the main editor: Eurakov Lev Panteleimonovich — corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, doctor of economic sciences, professor, rector of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov; Obukhov Alexei Sergeevich — candidate of psychological sciences, assistant on a science of the manager of psychology of development department in IPSU, assistant of a chief inliceum ?1553 «Liceum on Don». The crucial secretary: Aigumova Zakhrat Idrisovna — candidate of psychological sciences, senior lecturer, assistant of managing of psychology of development department in IPSU.

Besides the paper edition, the magazine «Development of personality» is accessible as a special interactive Internet — resource «RLOnline», which represents a uniform Internet — resource (web-site, electronic conference, electronic forum, library of materials of a magazine) in a network the Internet to the address http://rlonline.da.ru.

Responsible for the Internet — version of a magazine: Arkadiev Grigo Ivanovich — post-graduate student of psychology of development department of MSPU; Procenko Leonid Mikhailovich — candidate of psychological sciences, senior teacher of psychology of development department in MSPU.

The interpreter: Guy Maria Vitalievna — candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer of MSPU.

The presentation is prepared by
Valeria Mukhina and Alexei Obukhov


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